Morten Svinth

Fan Engagement Apps - 5 Must do's for 'payback' nirvana

We understand the power of data when it comes to delivering immersive fan experiences and building brand loyalty, advocacy and revenue generation through an App solution. We’re just scratching the surface, but here’s 5 must do’s when you’re looking at getting things started. Interested to find out more…get in contact.   

Fanengagement apps
5 objectives in fan engagement
football apps many digital

Revolutionizing sports fan engagement

In a rapidly transforming digital landscape, sports leagues and teams are reshaping their approach to fan engagement, pivoting towards sports apps as the focal point.
In this blogpost we will give you some insights on why building up your own fanbase and not being too dependent on Social media is a good idea.


Monetize fan engagement apps in sports

What are the digital sponsorship potential of your fanbase? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into various app monetization models. Try our FREE simulator here.